Saturday 4 April 2015

Kevin Barrett attacked by French President, website hacked, deleted from Wikipedia

I’m attacked by French President, website hacked, deleted from Wikipedia

Charlie Hebdo book threatens to unleash paradigm shift

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

The book is now available for purchase (if the website is working)

It was bad enough being personally attacked by the President of France, who is threatening to ban my “conspiracy theories” at the national, European, and global levels.
Even as Hollande is attacking me, they’ve launched cyber-attacks on my book’s website and deleted my Wikipedia entry. Here is what you now get when you look for “Kevin Barrett” on Wikipedia.


My extensive and extensively-vandalized Wikipedia entry had been up for almost a decade. Now it’s gone. Here’s how it used to look:

It’s ironic that even as the President of France attacked me as one of the world’s five leading conspiracy intellectuals, Wikipedia decided I was less significant than a couple of former rugby and cricket players of the same name.
If you google my name you get 28 million results and they’re pretty much all me, with very few mentions of retired rugby players.


Somehow I don’t think they took down my page because I had suddenly slipped into insignificance…at the same time I was being singled out by the President of France.

Like Jason Taverner, the celebrity hero of a Philip K. Dick novel, I have awakened into a world in which I no longer exist – at least not on Wikipedia. I have been…deleted.
On the other hand, being deleted from Wikepedia IS better than being deleted, period. I hear they occasionally do that to “conspiracy theorists.” Like Jim Keith dying from “blunt force trauma to the chest” during knee surgery, or Bill Cooper getting shot down in his own home for exposing 9/11,  or Dorothy Kilgallen getting whacked to nix her book on the JFK assassination.
Along with Wikipedia’s consigning me to oblivion, someone launched cyber attacks on the We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo website.
Listen to my discussion with Huffington Post Bloggers Union journalist Daniel Bruno, who discovered the Wikipedia deletion and cyber-hacking.
It seems that someone really, REALLY does not want you to read We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo.
Why are they so afraid of this book?
Maybe because, as David Ray Griffin says, it’s a “breakthrough in the study of State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADS).” Exposing a huge false flag less than three months after it happened, in the form of a credible, scholarly book, is something new under the sun.
We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo has been recommended by a former Canadian Minister of Defense and one of the world’s leading International Law professors. It includes essays by two former Presidential advisors, a six-term Congressional representative who ran for president, the world’s best-known liberal Jewish thinker, France’s leading engagé philosopher, the world’s leading liberal protestant theologian, and the current Supreme Leader of Iran…among other serious people.
We Are Not Charlie Hebdo shreds the official myth and blows the pieces away like confetti in a hurricane. Even readers who don’t like “conspiracy theories” will be unable to dismiss this book, given the gravitas of the people behind it.
No wonder they wish it would just go away. No wonder they wish I would just go away. No wonder they’re trying to make me, and the book, vanish from cyberspace.
Some day there may be a “cyber-9/11″ that will make Hollande’s proposed ban on internet conspiracy theories a reality. That is one good reason to purchase and hang onto a hard copy of this book.
Another reason: If We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo does well, it could be a game changer. As communications professor James Tracy says, there is a paradigm shift underway. More and more people are waking up to the reality of false flags. This book, with its credible deconstruction of Charlie Hebdo and other false flags that preceded and followed it, could help push the process to completion.
[Listen to James Tracy discussing the coming “conspiracy theory paradigm shift” on my radio show.]

Kevin Barrett

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.

Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.

Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.

 Veterans Today

Panicking ADL attacks “We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo!

ADL hit piece is full of lies, empty ad-hominem smears

Listen to Brandon Martinez interview me on this topic on VT Radio


By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

The Anti-Defamation League has attacked the new book We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo! Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11. This comes in the wake of French President Hollande’s attacking me and calling for a ban on my “conspiracy theories.”
While We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo features twenty-one highly-accomplished contributors from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, the ADL is attacking the book by smearing its editor, yours truly. Their strictly ad hominem approach reveals that they have no coherent substantive arguments. And their article is full of inaccuracies.
Here is the ADL’s attack in its entirety:

Kevin Barrett Promotes New Book Claiming Israel Behind Paris Attacks

Anti-Defamation League, April 24, 2015
Kevin Bar­rett, anti-Semitic con­spir­acy the­o­rist and fre­quent Press TV con­trib­u­tor, is on a speak­ing tour of the Mid­west from April 19–30 to pro­mote his new anti-Semitic and con­spir­a­to­r­ial book, We Are Not Char­lie Hebdo! Free Thinkers Ques­tion the French 9/11.
Cover of Barrett's new book
Accord­ing to Bar­rett, his book tour includes stops at pub­lic libraries in Iowa, the Islamic Soci­ety of Greater Kansas City, the Islamic Foun­da­tion of Greater St. Louis, as well as stops in Peo­ria, Illi­nois and Mil­wau­kee and Madi­son, Wisconsin.
A photo posted on Face­book shows approx­i­mately 15 peo­ple in atten­dance for his talk in Fair­field, Iowa.
Barrett’s We Are Not Char­lie Hebdo! Free Thinkers Ques­tion the French 9/11 fea­tures essays by Bar­rett as well as from twenty-one oth­ers, most of which claim that the shoot­ings at the Char­lie Hebdo head­quar­ters and at a kosher mar­ket in Paris were a “false flag oper­a­tion” per­pe­trated by any num­ber of cul­prits includ­ing the Israeli gov­ern­ment, the United States gov­ern­ment, and/or the French government.
The major­ity of the inter­views and essays fea­tured in the anthol­ogy allege that Israel, with or with­out help from the United States, orches­trated the attacks. Bar­rett claims that these attacks were just one in a long his­tory of events – such as the 9/11 attacks and the 2001 anthrax poi­son­ings – per­pe­trated by Israel in order to “incite hatred of Mus­lims and sol­i­dar­ity with Israel.”
Such con­spir­acy the­o­ries are noth­ing new for Bar­rett, who recently appeared on Iran’s English-language pro­pa­ganda net­work, Press TV, where he claimed that Jews and/or Israel were behind the cre­ation of ISIS, the 2011 attacks in Nor­way that left 77 peo­ple dead, and the 9/11 ter­ror­ist attacks.
In his new book, Bar­rett invokes anti-Semitic con­spir­acy the­o­ries about sup­posed Jew­ish manip­u­la­tion of world events, claim­ing that the West does not com­pre­hend Israel’s duplic­ity because of “the extent of clan­des­tine Zion­ist power; and the fact that the Holo­caust story has become the most sacred nar­ra­tive of the West, despite the ques­tion­able fac­tual basis of some of its most impor­tant details.”
Photo posted on Facebook of Barrett speaking in Fairfield, Iowa
This theme is echoed by anti-Semitic colum­nist Paul Craig Roberts, who writes that Israel com­mit­ted the Paris attacks to nefar­i­ously influ­ence the French government’s poli­cies on the Mid­dle East. The attacks, he alleges, “served Israel’s destruc­tion of Pales­tini­ans and sti­fled ris­ing Euro­pean oppo­si­tion to Israel’s theft of the West Bank and mil­i­tary assaults on Gaza.”
9/11 con­spir­acy the­o­rist Bar­bara Honeg­ger posited other moti­va­tions for Israel to have com­mit­ted the Paris attacks. Honeg­ger writes, “Israel was a secret hand behind the attacks designed to fan the fear of vio­lent anti-Semitism toward the goal of mit­i­gat­ing its grow­ing demo­graphic cri­sis by increas­ing Jew­ish emi­gra­tion to Israel.”
Asha­hed Muham­mad, assis­tant Edi­tor of the Nation of Islam’s Final Call news­pa­per and author ofThe Syn­a­gogue of Satan, does not state explic­itly that Israel is to blame for the Char­lie Hebdo shoot­ing, but does main­tain that “in media, pol­i­tics, acad­e­mia, or social activism, the world is bul­lied into com­pul­sory obe­di­ence by the mus­cu­lar Israel first lobby,” rais­ing anti-Semitic con­spir­acy the­o­ries about sup­posed Jew­ish con­trol of a num­ber of sec­tors of society.
One notable excep­tion to the “false flag” nar­ra­tive pro­moted by Barrett’s book is an essay by Rabbi Michael Lerner. Lerner report­edly was “absolutely mis­led” by Bar­rett when Bar­rett asked the rabbi’s per­mis­sion to include his writ­ing in the book.
* * *
Let’s break down the ADL propaganda paragraph by paragraph.
Kevin Bar­rett, anti-Semitic con­spir­acy the­o­rist and fre­quent Press TV con­trib­u­tor, is on a speak­ing tour of the Mid­west from April 19–30 to pro­mote his new anti-Semitic and con­spir­a­to­r­ial book, We Are Not Char­lie Hebdo! Free Thinkers Ques­tion the French 9/11.
Wow! Two “anti-Semitic conspiracy” smears in one sentence! Any Freshman Composition instructor would downgrade a student for such clumsy repetition (and for “loaded language”). But the ADL isn’t interested in good writing or clear thinking. Their only concern is to defame. So they endlessly repeat the magic buzz-words that are supposed to make their target a social pariah.
Accord­ing to Bar­rett, his book tour includes stops at pub­lic libraries in Iowa, the Islamic Soci­ety of Greater Kansas City, the Islamic Foun­da­tion of Greater St. Louis, as well as stops in Peo­ria, Illi­nois and Mil­wau­kee and Madi­son, Wisconsin. A photo posted on Face­book shows approx­i­mately 15 peo­ple in atten­dance for his talk in Fair­field, Iowa.
Apparently they are keeping close track of my whereabouts. And they are deeply concerned about how many people show up for my talks.
Barrett’s We Are Not Char­lie Hebdo! Free Thinkers Ques­tion the French 9/11 fea­tures essays by Bar­rett as well as from twenty-one oth­ers, most of which claim that the shoot­ings at the Char­lie Hebdo head­quar­ters and at a kosher mar­ket in Paris were a “false flag oper­a­tion” per­pe­trated by any num­ber of cul­prits includ­ing the Israeli gov­ern­ment, the United States gov­ern­ment, and/or the French government.
That is an overstatement. By my count, fewer than half of the twenty-one contributors seriously explore the evidence that the January Paris shootings were a false flag. Five contributors essentially take the official story for granted. The rest are somewhere in-between.
The ADL’s exaggerated depiction ignores the book’s exploration of the historical and cultural/religious background, including my own essay – the longest in the book – on the thousand-year history of symbolic attacks on the Prophet of Islam. That essay does not deal with the false flag issue at all.
The ADL also ignores the positive benefit of bringing together a diversity of voices – Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, secularists, even a communist atheist – with a wide variety of critical perspectives on the Charlie Hebdo shooting.
The major­ity of the inter­views and essays fea­tured in the anthol­ogy allege that Israel, with or with­out help from the United States, orches­trated the attacks. Bar­rett claims that these attacks were just one in a long his­tory of events – such as the 9/11 attacks and the 2001 anthrax poi­son­ings – per­pe­trated by Israel in order to “incite hatred of Mus­lims and sol­i­dar­ity with Israel.”
At least 11 of the 21 contributors do not even mention evidence of Israeli involvement in the Paris shootings, much less “allege that Israel orchestrated the attacks.” So the statement that “the majority” alleges Israeli involvement is a lie. Interestingly, the ADL mentions “the 9/11 attacks and the 2001 anthrax poisonings” in one breath – implicitly admitting, as Graeme MacQueen meticulously proves in his book The 2001 Anthrax Deception, that they were two parts of the same false flag operation. Anyone who doesn’t understand that 9/11-anthrax was designed to “incite hatred of Muslims and solidarity with Israel” should remember the US government’s admission that the anthrax letters came from non-Muslims working in a US bio-war facility – and scrawled on the anthrax envelopes was: DEATH TO AMERICA. DEATH TO ISRAEL. ALLAH IS GREAT. The ADL makes no attempt to refute the obvious implication of these facts.
Such con­spir­acy the­o­ries are noth­ing new for Bar­rett, who recently appeared on Iran’s English-language pro­pa­ganda net­work, Press TV, where he claimed that Jews and/or Israel were behind the cre­ation of ISIS, the 2011 attacks in Nor­way that left 77 peo­ple dead, and the 9/11 ter­ror­ist attacks.
When, specifically, did I say “Jews were behind” any of these events? Never. This claim is libelous. If you know any lawyers who could take on a pro bono case against the ADL, please have them contact me through my website,
In his new book, Bar­rett invokes anti-Semitic con­spir­acy the­o­ries about sup­posed Jew­ish manip­u­la­tion of world events, claim­ing that the West does not com­pre­hend Israel’s duplic­ity because of “the extent of clan­des­tine Zion­ist power; and the fact that the Holo­caust story has become the most sacred nar­ra­tive of the West, despite the ques­tion­able fac­tual basis of some of its most impor­tant details.”
The ADL apparently has no evidence to refute my claims that extensive clandestine Zionist power is protected by the sacred holocaust narrative. So they once again fall victim to the ad hominem fallacy, imagining that calling me names somehow refutes my arguments.
This theme is echoed by anti-Semitic colum­nist Paul Craig Roberts, who writes that Israel com­mit­ted the Paris attacks to nefar­i­ously influ­ence the French government’s poli­cies on the Mid­dle East. The attacks, he alleges, “served Israel’s destruc­tion of Pales­tini­ans and sti­fled ris­ing Euro­pean oppo­si­tion to Israel’s theft of the West Bank and mil­i­tary assaults on Gaza.”
Yet another ad hominem attack using loaded language, this time on Paul Craig Roberts. The ADL wildly distorts what Roberts actually wrote. In fact, Roberts points the finger more at NATO than Israel. The ADL “protests too much” when it answers Roberts’ argument that NATO did it by screaming “Why are you saying Israel did it, you anti-Semite?!” Here the ADL offers a textbook example of “guilty demeanor.”
9/11 con­spir­acy the­o­rist Bar­bara Honeg­ger posited other moti­va­tions for Israel to have com­mit­ted the Paris attacks. Honeg­ger writes, “Israel was a secret hand behind the attacks designed to fan the fear of vio­lent anti-Semitism toward the goal of mit­i­gat­ing its grow­ing demo­graphic cri­sis by increas­ing Jew­ish emi­gra­tion to Israel.”
It seems odd that the ADL would smear Roberts, who de-emphasizes Israel’s role in 9/11-anthrax and Charlie Hebdo, as an “anti-Semite” while insulting former White House Policy Analyst Barbara Honegger as a mere “conspiracy theorist.”  In her essay, Honegger forcefully underlines Israel’s role in 9/11-anthrax and Charlie Hebdo.
Interestingly, the ADL does NOT cite best-selling Israeli investigative journalist Barry Chamish, whose essay in We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo supports Honneger’s statement that Israeli leaders orchestrated Charlie Hebdo to try to mitigate Israel’s demographic crisis. I guess it’s hard to call Chamish, a right-wing Zionist Jew, either “anti-Semitic” or “self-hating.” So the ADL just ignores him.
Asha­hed Muham­mad, assis­tant Edi­tor of the Nation of Islam’s Final Call news­pa­per and author of The Syn­a­gogue of Satan, does not state explic­itly that Israel is to blame for the Char­lie Hebdo shoot­ing, but does main­tain that “in media, pol­i­tics, acad­e­mia, or social activism, the world is bul­lied into com­pul­sory obe­di­ence by the mus­cu­lar Israel first lobby,” rais­ing anti-Semitic con­spir­acy the­o­ries about sup­posed Jew­ish con­trol of a num­ber of sec­tors of society.
The ADL cannot argue that Ashahed Muhammad’s claim about the power of the Israel lobby is untrue. After all, the ADL is part of the Lobby, and is well acquainted with its power. So instead of refuting Muhammad, they brandish the ad hominem label “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.”
One notable excep­tion to the “false flag” nar­ra­tive pro­moted by Barrett’s book is an essay by Rabbi Michael Lerner. Lerner report­edly was “absolutely mis­led” by Bar­rett when Bar­rett asked the rabbi’s per­mis­sion to include his writ­ing in the book.
Lerner is just one of several contributors who do not highlight the “false flag narrative.” Others include Yvonne Ridley, Lawrence Davidson, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Thaddeus Kozinski, John Andrew Morrow, Ashahed Muhammad, Ibrahim Soudy, and André Vltcheck.
The claim that I “absolutely misled” Lerner is specious and libelous. I have ironclad evidence to prove this, and have contacted Lerner and demanded a public retraction (or clarification that he never said those words) and expect that it will be forthcoming.
Bottom line: The ADL hit piece fails to find anything wrong with We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11. But since the book is such a clear and present threat to the power of the Israel lobby, they have chosen to launch a baseless smear campaign, using empty ad hominems and occasional lies, to try to scare people away.
If you would like to help fight back, please purchase the book from Amazon. Better yet, buy five copies from me directly at wholesale ($60 including shipping in the USA) through the paypal button at, emailing me through the same website with your shipping address. Or – best of all – contact me to help organize a speaking event where I can publicly show the evidence the ADL doesn’t want you to see.

Kevin Barrett

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.

He is Host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly LIVE call in radio show.He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.

Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.


911 False Flag - American Traitors & Mossad - Where are the Oath Keepers? - Ken O'Keefe

Ken O'Keefe
Published on 20 Dec 2014
This is the updated version (as of December 2014) of my 911 production originally broadcast on The Peoples Voice in January 2014. It has additional footage and commentary, improved graphics and is a direct response to David Cameron's ridiculous speech at the UN General Assembly in 2014.

 The Feminist Report - Veronica K. Clark - The World Menace
Veronica K. Clark

300 nukes in Israel yet Iran a threat ???


 Michael Hoffman - Judaism Discovered 
Published on 28 Dec 2014
Michael A. Hoffman II with Jeff Rense on Hoffman's banned book Judaism Discovered, January 5th and 14th, 2009.

Reality According to North Korea

someone seems to have our number, as it were

the sexualized child
the sexualized child
By Gordon Duff Senior Editor
A reader sent me the video from 2012.  I watched.  I didn’t expect it but I should have.  I know we are screwed up.  I am a parent, America is a diseased sinkhole that no one should raise kids in.
Should I be pleased that states like Indiana are trying to enforce a delusional version of righteousness steeped in hypocrisy and fraud?  With family in half a dozen states and Germany, I live in the midst of this dialog.  At the heart of VT is the rabid PTSD that runs in so many of our veins, with it a need to protect and secure, a sense of justice and retribution  some should fear.

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War.He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.

Gordon Duff is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists.He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.

Gordon Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries.He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration.Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.

Visit Gordon Duff's YouTube Channel

The West Through the Eyes of North Korea [LEAKED PROPAGANDA]

Raine Vinyaya

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